Literary Liberation is now on Substack!
PLUS, our first class offering and a private WhatsApp community! Hello, Spring!
Welp, I did it. I didn’t even realize it until I was done, but I’ve been working on moving Literary Liberation over here from Mighty since last week because I’ve been thinking about access and lowering my overhead and not fixing something that isn’t actually broken (one can argue otherwise, but another story for another day).
All that to say you can sign up to be a member of Literary Liberation for the low low price of $12/month or $120/year! There will be so much available, and we’ll get to that, but on this first day of Spring I actually managed to pull off publishing our FIRST offering! A class! Led by Dr. Cecilia Caballero! Centering writers of the Global Majority! Centering bell hooks!
Literally what more could I ask for in this very moment?
Here’s what you should do:
Sign up for Literary Liberation
Share it with two friends! That’s literally it.
Here’s a link to the class ↓:
I’m really happy with my sudden decision to stop trying to force myself and others to do something none of us really wanted to do. Some platforms work wonders for some folks. This suits me just fine. I’m excited for the growth that’s coming.
A touch more on my why.
See you there!