Welcome to A Home Within Myself!

a newsletter that explores the meaning of finding and loving the home within yourself.

personal essays & conversations on love, parenthood, identity, culture, sex, midlife, relationships and Blackness. written by Sherisa de Groot with special guests.

My name is Sherisa de Groot and along with this newsletter, I’m the founder of Raising Mothers, a literary community and magazine focused on the intersectional parenting narratives of the Global Majority. I am a first generation American turned immigrant living in Europe, a Brooklyn native and mom of two. 

A Home Within Myself serves as a personal documentation of what it means in these moments to be who we are. The older I get, the less I like the internet, the less I can stomach what “motherhood” is projected unto us, the less I can stand performative feminism and the more I want a place to be deeper and be myself. I’m a self editor. In a way, living online, I think many if not all of us are. 

I want to explore living with you. That sounds like a broad umbrella, but I know I’ve painted myself into a corner with parenting, and it’s important that I show up as a parent AND a person, lest people forget. It’s important that you show up that way, too. It’s easy to write people off as “oh they only talk about parenting” but in that there is so much and invisibility isn’t my portion. I’m committed to showing the deep intrinsic value in our narratives. 

There’s multiple ways to be in touch. You can send suggestions here. You can support Raising Mothers on Patreon. Feel free to find me on Instagram and sometimes Twitter

Why pay for a subscription?

For $8 a month, you will have access to all posts, including conversations I am less comfortable posting publicly, but still deserve our collective thoughts. As a professional writer, this work is how I make my living and support my family. I hope you’ll consider subscribing for $8 a month or $80 a year. Thank you in advance for your financial support. 

A Home Within Myself is a reader-supported publication. Subscribing supports the efforts of one Black mother to write herself visible. And maybe write you, too.

Subscribe to A Home Within Myself

A newsletter that explores the meaning of finding and loving the home within yourself. Personal essays & conversations on love, parenthood, identity, culture, sex, midlife, relationships and Blackness. Written by Sherisa de Groot with special guests.


Writer. Editor. Author. Mother. Aquarius Sun. Founder of Raising Mothers & Literary Liberation. Pens A Home Within Myself. Radical.